Mon, Feb 5, 2024finished parse of my Language, next -> runtime, Jan 5, 2024Worked on a Async Error Handling Middleware for ExpressJS with ESM/TypeScript support. I named it asyncaidThu, Dec 14, 2023Today I wrote a BNF (Backus–Naur form) of my language KinThu, Nov 16, 2023Contributed to pacifiquem's GoThu, Nov 16, 2023Trying to find a way any project's structure can be understood easily. Find it here:, Nov 13, 2023Built a Transaction system based on RFID (cards) and sqlite database.
Worked on a Async Error Handling Middleware for ExpressJS with ESM/TypeScript support. I named it asyncaid
Trying to find a way any project's structure can be understood easily. Find it here: