I've been working on this project for a long time here and there, this allows you to download youtube videos as mp4 or m4a. It also supports twitch streams. This is meant to be ran on a docker container but you can run it from the source code too
github.com/MADMAN-Modding/WebTubeI made another discord bot lol, this one lets you send anonymous messages, pretty simple imo. github.com/MADMAN-Modding/Anoncord
hakkuun, please reply
I made a discord bot that sends the discord copy pasta when it sees the word linux, it isn't case-sensitive, it also does tons of filtering, the only thing that can beat it is emojis github.com/MADMAN-Modding/LCPBgithub.com/MADMAN-Modding/DB64
This is a discord bot I made that you can run yourself, it is basically meant for decoding and encoding base64 text, I made this cause I was bored and needed a C++ projectgithub.com/MADMAN-Modding/FalconsEsportsOverlays
This is a gui app that makes it easier to have esports overlays specifically in playVS, it has many functionalities such as setting app theme, team colors, team logo, toggling what sports your school has, and hosting a webserver so OBS can connect to the overlay.
You can find the latest release here: github.com/MADMAN-Modding/FalconsEsportsOverlays/releases/latest
(I don't own a Mac, but it can be built for MacOS)