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#C06SBHMQU8G| After some work, the first official release of my library, perfjail, is finally here. It's a Rust project inspired by sio2jail - a tool the Polish Olympiad in Informatics uses to failry measure time on its contests. My main goals are to do what sio2jail does, but significantly faster (at times) and as a library instead of a CLI tool. You can find the library here: github.com/MikolajKolek/perfjail (it's not yet released to crates.io, but this is a working, albeit sometimes still slightly buggy, version), and I've made a quick little demo of it working on a branch of my CLI testing tool Toster, which you can find here (github.com/MikolajKolek/toster). To see it in action you can simply build this branch and then use Toster with the sio2jail flag, however all you should see is faster runtime when running smaller tests, which might be difficult to notice, but it's defintely there. If you have any problems running it or understanding any of the code, please feel free to message me - this is a really interesting field to me, and I've encountered many fun challanges to work around whilst doing pretty pure systems programming interfacing directly with the Linux kernel.
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#arcade I made a port of my Minecraft mod, fix-alt-gr, to the Fabric and Quilt mod loaders for Minecraft versions 1.19.x - 1.21. The mod (mostly) fixes the very irritating MC-127862 bug, which makes writing in text fields (for example chat or command blocks) incredibly difficult for people that use languages that utilise the Alt Gr key often, as the bug can for example seemingly randomly erase the whole text field. My explanation of why this happens can be found in the official Minecraft bug tracker here, and if you're interested in further details or how the mod works, feel free to ask me. You can find an old video I made demonstrating the issue here (just to explain some strange behaviour on the keyboard overlay: the recording software I used saw pressing Alt Gr as pressing right alt and left control at the same time, and displayed it in the overlay as such) The new mod releases are available on Modrinth: 1.21, 1.20.x , 1.19.x