This is a simple Python game I made to kinda simulate the decision-making process during the space race from the soviet side to show the stress the astronauts would have experienced based on what we learned from history.
this is part 1 of a joke counter I wanted to make for one of the history teachers at my school who always say a bunch of dad jokes during class, this also has a web interface that I will make better by adding another pico to connect to add the counter button anywhere in the room or have the stuff only display on the web.
Here is a sensor array in Wowki that uses a pi pico and an OLED menu, letting you play around with everything and add more options to the menu.
this is a simple tv i made using the blot editor, has 3 screens/channels.
This is for a water-powered rocket and I wanted to add a small flight computer in there to be able to measure data like altitude and gyro/accel data for all 3 axis. I had a small esp8266 module some bmp180 modules, and a mpu6050 from another project so I decided to use those parts for this. to increase speed and data processing I am storing all the data as a CSV on an SD card connected to the esp8266.
This car uses wifi and an esp32 and esp8266 to control a 3d printed car, the car uses a small a12212 1000KV bldc motor and a simple 30amp esc with 12v hooked up. The ESP8266 serves as the receiver and gets the speed value and steering values using a potentiometer connected to the ESP 32, for steering I am using a simple mg90 servo, I have not printed it out to test but it should work with the code since I used a simulator to test it. The parts of the car are printed in PLA but the tires are made of tpu. I only used M3 screws in the design and some parts use threaded inserts to help with strength.
I made a custom microcontroller based on the esp32 module with multiple features like high-power switching and access to all the pins.