

0-day streak
Introducing Number Guessing Game , a game that generates a number, and you need to guess it! There are several settings too that you can configure to make the game to your liking. For example, the number range (the range of numbers you need to guess between), whether hints are enabled (higher/lower than your guess), maximum guesses (the amount of guesses you have to try and guess the generated number right) and if the game should prevent duplicate guesses. Check out the GitHub: Website:
Introducing Atomic Clock , a website that shows you the current time, as precise as possible using NTP. Normally NTP is very hard to use in the browser, but using Next.js API functions, I've created a little wrapper. The site has an option to switch between a digital and analog clock, and you can customize those with a ton of options to your liking. If you host your own NTP server, which may be even more precise than some public ones, you can configure that too in the settings! Check out the GitHub: Website:
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Introducing Better Tractive , a website that interacts with the official Tractive API's to follow your pet's location, manage your pet's tracker, view your pet's records and activity badges, and last but not least, view the position of your pet on the real-time (global) leaderboard. (Note: A valid Tractive account with according subscription is required. There is a very limited demo mode, and some screenshot below to get a better view of the UI). Check out the GitHub: Website (Tractive account required, but very limited demo mode): Some screenshot are attached below!
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I created a desktop app to follow the Dutch news provider NOS, you can watch multiple live broadcasts at the same time, or catch up with the latest interviews and highlights. Check it out here!