Got some basic VOIP and networking code up for my new lethal company inspired game, it's still got a long way to go, but after 15ish hours I have VOIP prox chat and also multiplayer over lan (and local obv) my godot driving game to include XR support! Actually works pretty well, I recommend you connect your controllers in a similar way or just hold them. A steering wheel is projected in game, and you drive with the triggers. AFAIK this is only tested with oculus, simply install the app, connect your headset and start a link session, and then run the game through the editor (no built version this time). You do have to manually control the IP and port in the file, I couldn't get canvas layers working with XR. Some buttons may still require keyboard input sometimes. Consult the control layout, VR is a mess!
Finally got (admittedly scuffed) multiplayer working. While this is on the same machine, the connection is actually traveling out to the internet and back in through DNS back to my machine, so theoretically anyone could join if they had the IP.