
Posts tagged with :electric_plug:

Sketchy, but it works! After months of waiting for the parts (realising that I missed the power supply I thought I had - so even more waiting), dismounting a stuff, only realising after that I could access the port just from above, my all in one to external monitor is (almost) finished! Just need to cover it up, figure out how to make the touch work (maybe it works with windows, idk - or with the driver I found somewhere?) and then I can start using it! (P. S.: if I needed it I could still add the integrated speakers and the CD drive)
Today I did a lot my I didn't take a photo. I read more sbout circuit and completed a project for a company a am taking part of tho I am not allowed to take a photo. I also go to work on my new sprig game and C64!
#hardware-party 4/10 Fixed my printer, the spool was tangled. More 3D prints, this one is a 14 hour print. (If it fails I will cry) Also soldered some wires for easy connection to the arduino shield. Starting to run low on those connector wires, I think I have enough tho!
Day 1 of making desk clock for the RasPi pico, I implemented a date selector (with days in a month actually being based on the month and whether the year is leap) as well as made the input controls for the system (output is currently USB serial but will be i2c display)
https://cloud-k5vch1jdq.vercel.app/0screenshot_2021-02-06_at_21.27.58.png https://cloud-k5vch1jdq.vercel.app/120210206_213007.jpg
Soldered the pins on my raspberry pi pico and wrote a little program that turns the led on when you press the button
Learning Kirchoff's Law
Submitted my site to Bing Webmaster
Changed some electrical sockets 🔌 🔌