

0-day streak
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Update 3 I've done a whole 10 and a half hours now! Today, I added slash commands to pigeon and I now understand how modals work (after agonising hours of staring at docs)!
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Update 2 I’m now ~7 hours into #C07NUNPGEU8|! My rusty slack bot is now <https://github.com/EnyCode/pigeon|open source>! It’s called pigeon because there's just so many where I live. Today, I got events working, updated the post message function to have ore stuff, got ephemeral messaging working, and made my own simple cron library in roughly half an hour! Tomorrow, I want to get slash commands working and I want to work on modals.
Update 1 It's the first day of #C07NUNPGEU8|! Yesterday, I worked on my Slack bot made in rust! I rewrote the events system basically entirely and almost got stuff mostly working. (theres no gh yet, so have an image of wakatime from yesterday) [edit: there is now a GitHub @ github.com/EnyCode/pigeon]
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I started making Chess for the Sprig! So far, I have all the movement patterns down (apart from that with the King, you can move into a check). I haven't made the opponent AI yet, but I hope to down the line. heres the link! sprig.hackclub.com/share/nK7VNd1UhEDPSuuGaYNd
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I made an RST to Markdown converter! It's very basic right now, but it's part of my larger project where you can edit your iCloud notes online, and it automatically syncs to your phone. Here's the repo link! github.com/EnyCode/notes-backend I also tried making this in javascript from scratch with no libraries, but decided this wasn't the best move. Here's the repo link - github.com/EnyCode/notes-web.
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I got the second page of my Sprig Arcade project done! It shows your current session, whether it is paused or not, the goal, what ticket number it is and how far along you are! Check it out at github.com/EnyCode/sprig-arcade
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I made an RP2040 pcb!
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I made the home page of my Sprig Arcade project! The first loading bar is for connecting to wifi and then it shows your progress to your goal and statistics. It takes forever to load because the API I’m using for the RTC is really slow, but I can’t find an http (not https) one that is faster. Also sorry for the crappy video lol
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I made a blog website! I'm definitely going to remake it as I hate the design. It's so bad that I won't even host it (also im struggling greatly with ssr). You can have a photo tho. github.com/EnyCode/website.
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More scrapbooking older stuff I lost motivation for, my recreation of the Vans' RV website! Check out the original here and my version at enycode.github.io/vans-website. I only did the RV-8 page bc its my favourite model and I wasn't really bothered after that.
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I got an NES emulator working! It doesn't work on the sprig (yet) and I've run out of motivation for it (I'll probably come back to it). github.com/EnyCode/egb
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I made a UI for the sprig! It's part of a larger project but I already have way more than 25 hours so I thought I'd post this. github.com/EnyCode/egb. also sorry for the crappy vid lol
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summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
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github emoji