
Posts tagged with :santa:

are you addicted to slack? :heavysob: take santa's test to find out!! you have to answer 15 questions and you have to pick the right reaction to a message, like: "i just spent an hour reading confessions posts" would you react :ultrafastparrot: or :oneeyesob:? play here! themagicfrog.github.io/santastest github.com/themagicfrog/santastest also if you have suggestions for more questions pls tell me :prayge:. btw the answers are all just my opinion and im not rlly an expert :heavysob::heavysob::heavysob:
Today I discovered all scrappy's reaction keywords yay, OSF, hooray, arrived, bin, raccoon, draw, art, paint, wrote, slack, pcb, onboard, circuit, kicad, easyeda, figma, 3d print, 3d printing, 3d printer, covid, singapore, canada, india, space, sleep, hardware, roshan, sampoder, vs code, vscode, woo hoo, celebrate, cooking, cooked, cook, birthday, bday, pumpkin, fall, thanksgiving, christmas, santa, snow, snowing, snowman, vercel, sunrise, sunset, google, soccer, football, car, driving, bank, shopping list, github, twitter, bot, robot, robotics, minecraft, game, npm, solder, soldering, arduino, instagram, observable, js, javascript, reactjs, python, swift, xcode, x code, swiftui, swift ui, golang, rust, deno, blender, salad, adobe, photoshop, inktober, storm, rain, dino, school, backpack, linux, hacktober, hacktoberfest, exams, exam, studying, studied, study, react, apple, cat, dog, code, hack, autumn, Happy Birthday Zach, debate, next.js, nextjs, movie, halloween, pizza, scrappy, cycle, bike, Big Sur, zoom, ship, macbook, guitar, complain, fight, cricket, vim, docker, cake, notion, fedora, replit, mask, leap, discord, /z, postgres, gatsby, prisma, graphql, product hunt, java, repl, repl.it, replit, rick roll, BrainDUMP, firefox, vivaldi, ABCO-1, nix, nixos, nixpkgs, typescript, ts, zephyr, summer, plane, train, bus, bug, debug, debugging, awesome, graph, chart, boba, bubble tea, spotify, repair, cow, doge, shibe, dogecoin, blockchain, ticket, homework, hw, piano, orpheus, chess, pr, pull request, bread, nft, hns, wahoo, aoc, advent, svelte, cold, tailwind, tailwindcss, c, squaresupply, gamelab, annoying site, redwood, redwoodjs, homebrew, stickers, club, think, thinking, cool, science, research, biology, brain, science fiction, sci-fi, mexico, food, sad, galaxy, plant, plants, picture, pictures, photography, assemble, sprig, laser, music, #C045S4393CY, 10daysinpublic, hardware party, hardware wonderland, hardware-party, days of making, winter hardware, winter, wonderland, whw, ipfs, the orpheus show, orpheus show, the orpheus podcast, orpheus podcast, podcast, quest, puzzmo, purple bubble, purplebubble, summit, summit vision, apple vision, nest.
This was the most awesome secret Santa gift ever! Thanks so much! Waiting till Christmas to finish opening it :)
robotics, shipped #secret-santa, soldered a pcb, and desoldered the same pcb as i put the resisters on wrong.
wens da nft comin
Day 9 of #hardware-party :roo-yay: Running a little behind schedule but I have acquired a new pico (thank you secret santa at hq!) and continued working on the code for controlling the lights! I also finally got the aeronautical map that I’ll be connecting the lights to!
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL :christmas-santa-bird:
Wrote my first Arduino code on the nodemcu board i got as a secret santa gift! 🎅
sup ho ho homies! i'm black santa for the month of december every year :)
Worked on secret santa stuff today and brainstormed some more for my new project